Rug Braiders International
formerly known as the Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild

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2015 Just For Kids
The “Just for Kids” Rug Challenge brought out a lot of very creative thinking. Here are some photos from the show.

Rose Robertson-Smith taught herself how to rug hook just so that she could hook portions of this braided hopscotch rug. Notice the lovely multi-strand border.

PeggyAnn Watts braided a Twister game complete with a spinner. The spinner has 9-loop centers to indicate the colors. The game board is finished with a braided border of all the Twister colors.

Pam Rowan made a Cat in the Hat… hat!

Pam also made a maze, and finished it with a beautiful border of zigzags.

Isn't Deb Lynch’s Mickey Mouse Rug just beautiful? Some kid is very lucky!

Bobbi Mahler braided a tic-tac-toe toss game. In the basket, she has X’s and O’s that are braided. Notice the braided X and O patterns on the outside of the game board. Wow!

Pam Landry braided a rug of crayola colors as well as...

A Crayon!

and a Peppermint.

Eileen Colligan braided a Teddy Bear

Cheryl Hanline is braiding a game board, shown in the adjacent photo. Notice the carefully pieced X’s in the braiding

Heidi Boldt Diefenderfer is an accomplished doll-maker as well as braider. Her teddybear girl has a braided headband

Dianne Tobias made a hooked and braided baby rattle

Kris McDermet holds a quilted baby ball on the left and a hooked and braided beach ball on the right. The hooked portions are pentagons… 12 of which come together to make a ball.

Delsie Hoyt made a braided rug with moths and fireflies swirling around a flame.

Christine Manges braided a maze (technically, a labyrinth).