Rug Braiders International
formerly known as the Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild

2019 Wearable Braids

The Challenge for the 2019 Braid-in was wearable braids. Inspired by past fashions such as the colorful bikini ensemble shown left, participants once again wowed the attendees with their creativiity.

Nancy Young took to the red carpet to showcase the adorable braided coat she fashioned for her grand-pup.

Cathy Winship braided this beautiful ensemble including Fascinator, bracelet and necklace. As you can see she is all set for Kentucky Derby Day.

Eileen Colligan braided the fancy and frilly witches hat
Pam Rowan braided this elegant hostess apron - so beautiful!

Jenn Kiarsis embellished her sun glasses with colorful braids. Fun in the Sun!
Janice Lyle embellished this hat with a braid and lush bow

Lucinda Harrison-Cox made a jacket with braided edgings and designs.
Bobbi Mahler made a braided child's outfit -- braided edging to a sweatshirt, shoes, and a hat.

Dianne Tobias made a sweet velvet hat with a fancy flower decoration.
Sharon Lucas made a pretty braided bracelet!

Christine Manges made a braided vest (don't look too carefully -- it's mostly backless and still in progress).

Jane Ober made a headband!

The Belfast Braiders made matching work aprons with braided edging.