Rug Braiders International
formerly known as the Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild

Braid Teacher and Demonstrator Resources
One of the important missions of the Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild is to teach future rug braiding instructors and demonstrators. To accomplish this, we offer the following:
Online Courses over Zoom for Teachers
Past courses have included: Illustrating Handouts for Teachers, Creating Handouts in Word, How to Teach Online over Zoom, and Recording and Uploading Videos to YouTube.
Course Guidelines for Teaching a Beginner Oval Rug
This document pulls together the teaching plans from several teachers for 5 and 6 session classes in person and online. (Coming soon; Chair Pad)
Valley Forge flyer on the VF Guild for Teachers & Demonstrators
This printable document was created by Mary Ragno -- with QR code added by Lisa Kilgo provides a half-page summary flyer on the guild and its activities.
List of Braid Equipment Suppliers under the Resources/Supplies menu; lists available for US and Canada.
Get your name added to the website's "Find a Teacher" list of rug braiding teachers by state and country: email ccmanges@gmail.com